Divorce Mediation is a cost effective way for a couple to resolve issues pertaining to a divorce, separation or resolve post-divorce matters, including property division, alimony, parenting plan and child support.

The Law Office of Trista R.Christensen is experienced in divorce law and mediation, offering divorcing, separating and divorced couples a fair process in which they can discuss and decide for themselves arrangements for their children, support and property division. The couple would jointly hire the Law Office of Trista R. Christensen to act not as the attorney for either or both, but as a neutral mediator. During a series of mediation sessions the couple works out a mutually satisfactory plan covering the children’s living arrangements, the financial needs of each member of the family, any real estate and other assets and/or debts of the parties. Both parties are free to consult with a lawyer or other adviser of their choosing at any time. The mediation process is designed to reduce the adversarial element often encountered in a divorce proceeding and also to save time and money.

Once an agreement is reached, the Law Office of Trista R.Christensen will prepare a draft separation agreement for the couple to review with their lawyer before signing. The completed and signed agreement is enforceable and, if part of a divorce, may be presented to the court for approval.

The Requirement of Commitment

The mediation process will work only if the parties are willing to make a good faith effort to reach an agreement. There is no legal obligation to agree; any commitment to the process and its result comes voluntarily from the parties involved.

The Benefits of Mediation

The mediation process can be significantly less expensive and less painful for the family than the protracted battles which are often part of divorce or other family litigation. When children are involved, studies indicate divorce agreements mutually agreed upon by a couple are usually far more beneficial for the children than those imposed by court order.

The Cost of Mediation

Mediation generally costs approximately one-quarter to one-third of the amount one spouse would pay a lawyer in a contested divorce. Mediation allows the parties to retain and preserve more of the marital assets for themselves and any children.

For additional information, please contact the Law Office of Trista R. Christensen via e-mail or call us at (978) 741-0033. Evening appointments are available upon request.